Around the Ranch (Facebook Feed)

Alpha Christian Children's Home & School
Alpha provides Christian homes, an individualized school, and ranch life activities on our peaceful 180 acre campus in the country for children who are at-risk or in need of a safe place to go.
We're now hiring a new Learning Center Teacher! Check out this ministry/employment opportunity on Indeed:
Mrs. Sims is retiring at this end of this school year after 10 years of teaching Alpha's kids! She has been a huge blessing to so many kids here over the years, and we are excited that she will continue to live in the area and bless us with her presence as a regular volunteer.
We are now prayerfully accepting resumes for a Christ-following educator to teach the children in our K-12 Learning Center (starting in May when their new school year begins), utilizing the individualized Accelerated Christian Education curriculum and procedures that are already in place. The teacher directs the students in completing their daily allotment of curriculum pages, and tutors them one-on-one when they are needing extra help with understanding concepts that they are learning.
We are hoping to find someone to step into this challenging, but rewarding role with confident enthusiasm, natural creativity, and outstanding reliability. Become a difference maker at Alpha!
If you know of anyone who might be a good fit as a teacher for our learning center students, please DO reach out to them and get us connected!
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You have been a wonderful, loving & caring teacher to the children there. Congratulations on your retirement.
I love Ms Sims! She is/was the best!!! Congrats on your retirement!!! Praying you find the right teacher!
Hi Ms Sims! Congratulations on your retirement. Glad you will still be close. Look forward to seeing you in August!!! You are leaving big shoes to fill!!! Love you!!!! “The hug lady”🩷
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When this happens, it's usually because the owner only shared it with a small group of people, changed who can see it or it's been deleted.3 CommentsComment on Facebook
I’m quite impressed! A very capable young man.
I have tears! Nathan you are amazing!!!
Welcome to the Alpha Family, Dolly!! You may think you are a goat for a while but that's ok!! 😆 ... See MoreSee Less

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So sweet!
Message, email, or call us if you are planning to come this Saturday to give us a hand for the Volunteer Workday so that we can get organized! See below ⬇️
Volunteer Workday Announcement!
Saturday, March 8th, 9 a.m.
Volunteers really do help us to make Alpha an amazing place for the kids every day! We could really use your help for our next volunteer workday on March 8th beginning at 9 AM.
The kind of work we will be tackling will be simple like making beds, cleaning bathrooms, sweeping, and etc. in Hope House. The intention is to get it ready for volunteering season which begins in March. There may also be some minor handyman type work which will include things like fixing leaky toilets or other minor household repairs that we find as we work.
If we have plenty of people for inside the house, we will have others start on yard work, cleaning up for mowing season.
If we have some small engine mechanics, we will service the mowers, getting them ready for spring.
This is also a great opportunity to accumulate community service hours for those needing to have volunteer hours.
Bring a lunch with you if you plan to stay through the lunch hour!
Who can come give us a hand on the 8th?
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We had a wonderful group of volunteers, helping us out with spring cleaning and prep. Thank you so much for everyone who came out to give us a hand!
Bryan J. Brauer and myself will be there probably after 9:30.
Volunteer Workday Announcement!
Saturday, March 8th, 9 a.m.
Volunteers really do help us to make Alpha an amazing place for the kids every day! We could really use your help for our next volunteer workday on March 8th beginning at 9 AM.
The kind of work we will be tackling will be simple like making beds, cleaning bathrooms, sweeping, and etc. in Hope House. The intention is to get it ready for volunteering season which begins in March. There may also be some minor handyman type work which will include things like fixing leaky toilets or other minor household repairs that we find as we work.
If we have plenty of people for inside the house, we will have others start on yard work, cleaning up for mowing season.
If we have some small engine mechanics, we will service the mowers, getting them ready for spring.
This is also a great opportunity to accumulate community service hours for those needing to have volunteer hours.
Bring a lunch with you if you plan to stay through the lunch hour!
Who can come give us a hand on the 8th?
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Spring 2025 "Around the Ranch" Newsletter is here; see this photo and its story, and so many others for a charming insider's look at the children's daily life!
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Morning break time at school today! Jayden and Josiah enjoyed the first snowstorm they had ever experienced so much that they are really excited for the next big snowstorm that we’re expecting to come through tonight and tomorrow. 😜 ... See MoreSee Less

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Read to the bottom for long anticipated news! Donations dated today do count as tax-deductible for the 2024 tax year in case this is an answer you need!
Just FYI: The county was replacing culverts at the end of our driveways yesterday (12/30), and ripped out the telephone lines. The phones are not working the rest of this week until they are repaired Friday. I can get into the voicemail system sometimes to retrieve messages, but it doesn't always work. I'll attempt to check for messages several times a day.
You can also message us through Facebook messenger!
By the way, Jayden and Josiah made it here from Uganda after a three-year ordeal of working through the legal immigration process! They are the younger brothers of Julian and Elvis. Thank you for all you do to make Alpha great for all the children!!
Happy New Year to you!
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Art Party Day artwork pieces from the kids! These will be printed on greeting cards that we send out throughout the coming year. 💕  ... See MoreSee Less

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Nice artwork!! I love art done by kids.
We love them!
Alpha Christian Children’s Home, School & Ranch
Mailing address:
PO Box 727
Perry, Kansas 66073-0727
(785) 597-5235
Office Hours:
9 a.m. to 4 p.m. (M-F)
Phone: (785) 597-5235
Fax: (785) 597-5235
Facebook Page:
Physical address:
15017 27th St
Perry, Kansas 66073